Ever had to start over from scratch with nothing? Well that's honestly my current situation so I'm struggling but I'm managing. No one's life if perfect! I thought maybe when I have a little down time I can actually help some of my friends or strangers in the same situation or at least help people learn to live within their means. Life's to short to always be stressing about money so here are some tips for you.
This blog is to teach you how to save money in many different ways became honestly I work all week and just don't feel like clipping coupons all day on Sundays so I skip those and use these different ways. I used to be the mommy that did an I'm hoping I'll get back to doing so soon just not like before with clipping coupons you actually end up spending money on stuff you either don't need or won't use and to me that's a waste of time and energy. Now I'm not against it I just would rather save on items I need or want and plan to use.
So if your looking for ways to make extra cash, or fund your rainy day fund or maybe saving for Christmas your in then right place. None of the apps I use cost you anything so no money out of pocket is needed, and I don't post an app or website unless I personally have tried it myself.
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