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Showing posts from August, 2020

Interested in working from home?

 If you're anything like me you're always looking for ways to make a little extra cash! To pay bills, buy Christmas gifts, invest in new appliances, whatever your reason is, you wanna make that extra cash. I'm currently researching and reviewing legitimate ways to make money from home. Not just gift cards but a whole second income. So keep your eyes open in the coming weeks for my results and updates on which ones are worth your time and which ones to avoid at all cost.

Ugh! AliExpress is a Noooo Go.

 *update on my review of AliExpress* So I am known for always trying something once. Well I downloaded the app AliExpress, at first I liked it. Because it was like Wish but you Supposedly got your stuff faster. Well with that being said I believe I'll just stick to wish and wait for the stuff because I ordered a speaker and a purse set from AliExpress and it's nothing but disappointing. The speaker sucks its tiny and the volume is not even slightly loud.My cell phone is louder. And the purse what can I say? It's a F%$&ing joke, looks like something I would give a three year old to play with.  don't waste your time or money on this app.  I am just gonna stick with Wish and wait for my stuff to get here. Here are pictures of what I ordered and what I received. I said you have got to be kidding me when I opened the package containing the "purse"!!

Welcome to Simply Frugal Mom.

 I created this blog in hopes that I can help other moms make a little extra cash and find ways to save money on a daily basis. Life's hard, why not make saving money simply easy, and fun. Living frugal can simplify life and doesn't necessarily mean you can't enjoy the finer things in life. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog  please take a moment leave me feedback. Enjoy, Nessa

Save them old pre-paid cards!

 So I just read an article on lifehacker,  here  it is a very helpful piece of information on it. Don't trash them old pre-paid paid cards instead keep them for when you sign up for something that is supposed to be a free trail and needs a card for when the free trail is over because they can't charge an un chargeable card. It's a great idea. Read the article  here !

Love reading magazines?

 I must say I'm a little old school because I still love reading actual magazines. Not digital magazines but ones you can touch and feel and flip through the pages. If your anything thing like me though they are rather expensive so I found a website that you can take a couple of surveys and get them for 2.00/12 issues of for free which who doesn't love free? It's actually legit you will get a notification when it's time to renew your subscriptions and you MUST remember to cancel them at that time or your card will be charged for another you. check out Reward Survey.