So I am known for always trying something once. Well I downloaded the app AliExpress, at first I liked it. Because it was like Wish but you Supposedly got your stuff faster. Well with that being said I believe I'll just stick to wish and wait for the stuff because I ordered a speaker and a purse set from AliExpress and it's nothing but disappointing. The speaker sucks its tiny and the volume is not even slightly loud.My cell phone is louder. And the purse what can I say? It's a F%$&ing joke, looks like something I would give a three year old to play with. don't waste your time or money on this app. I am just gonna stick with Wish and wait for my stuff to get here. Here are pictures of what I ordered and what I received. I said you have got to be kidding me when I opened the package containing the "purse"!!
*update on my review of AliExpress*
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